curious about dreams?
Stay in the loop about Dream Fire Offerings from Mouse Bird Studios
upcoming dreamfires - 2022
4th Thursdays
sliding scale < FREE - $20 >
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
@Mouse Bird Studios
1208 Bay Street
Bellingham, WA
. . . a container for collective dream work explorations where we can cultivate a practice of honoring and communing with the sacred dream in a safe, authentic, vulnerable, and creative way . . .
I am so excited to share a collective space, where anyone is welcome, to honor our dreams. Dreams are a universal human experience that give us direct access to the mystery, to our unconscious, to the collective, to healing, and creativity, time and dimension travel, our fears and inhibitions, our true nature and soul's yearnings.
Our culture doesn't have much of a relationship with dreams or dreaming, and I didn't even remember dreams for most of my life up until a few years ago. People around the world have cultivated important practices of dream tending and sharing for aeons, the dreams serving as sacred vessels of information, foresight, intuition, and healing. It is my belief that cultivating an authentic and meaningful relationship with our dreams, both personally and collectively, is a profound way to access the deep magic and full potential of being alive as a human on planet earth! It is my intention to hold the space that will allow us to explore and play with our dreams. There are so many tools to work with, and this will be our playground.
No experience is necessary. Even if you have just a curiosity, start there. Developing a relationship with your dreams, and even beginning to remember them again isn't all that complicated. It really just requires presence, intention, and devotion. Our dreams are here for us, we are never without them. All we have to do is reach out and touch them. There are many ways to stop a dream drought. Just the act of reading this email will tickle the dreamer in you. The more attention and focus you give your dreams, the more your dreams will give you.
We might practice projective dream work, where one in the circle shares their dream, while the rest of the circle embodies the dream as if it were their own. The circle offers reflections of what happens in their own associations, feelings, memories, and somatic experience as they take on the dream. This method offers a complex, multi-faceted, holographic perspective that can be illuminating and medicinal for the dreamer as well as the whole group.
We might practice Active Dreaming, as taught by Robert Moss, where one in the circle shares their dream, while the rest of the circle again embodies. This method involves actively journeying with the dreamer back into the dream, supported by drumming, to glean more insight, explore hidden corners and dimensions, have conversations with dream characters, continue on in an unfinished dream, or any other avenue of exploration or support that might benefit the dreamer.
We may practice something completely different. Spending time tending to our dreams is powerful, and in my opinion, essential. I strive to cultivate a container that is rooted in our Great Mother, open to the cosmos, and anchored and in service to love. We acknowledge the seen and the unseen, and call upon those that can guide and protect us on our journeys. Working with my dreams, and especially in community, has changed my life and allowed me to access deep magic, creativity, and power. I have also learned how medicinal and transformative sharing night mares or dreams that have left me shocked to the core has been. May we call upon each other and share our dreams always.
Sharing a personal dream with a group can be a powerfully illuminating and vulnerable experience. We will weave our Dream Fire container together with conscientiousness and respect, for ourselves, each other, and our dear Mama Gaia. I really, really hope to see you there. It's a drop-in format every 4th Thursday from 6-8, so if you can't make it this time, maybe you can make it next time! For to keep the space well, you must let me know each time you’d like to join.
Peace and Love,
Mouse Bird Dream Beaver