
Paper Arts


paper arts

a portfolio of paper-cuts, pop-ups, drawings, & all the rest


i dance upon the top of a mountain

2018. 10x12”. intaglio print. ink on paper.

I dance upon the top of a mountain. The stones and the stars are my gathering. We become each other. We remember. We dance the day and the night. We dance the firey heat of summer and the icy cold of winter. We dance the sun and the moon. We twirl, and whirl, and spin into nothing and everything. All is fleeting except that which is illuminated but for a moment with the breath of life. Life is but a fleeting moment.

Mouse Bird ©2018


tea light pop-up

2018. paper. laser-cut pop-up tealight packaging.

dragonfly Lamp

2018. paper & cellophane. laser-cut flat-pack lamp.

egg dream

2018. 12x20”. paper-cut.

unconscious symbiosis

2015. 24x36”. paper-cut.

wave Pop-up

2018. 4x5” folded. collage pop-up.


2015. 24x24”. colored pencil on paper.